The Best Weekend Surf Trips from LA

Every surfer can relate to that nasty feeling, the merciless phenomenon that plagues you for weeks, or even months, on end. The symptoms include depression, restlessness, irritability, spasms, weight gain, weight loss, and in some severe cases, death. (Wait, really?) I’m talking, of course, about the terrible, awful, no

What's In Your Bag?

The Oaxacan Board Bag

Battling that notorious Mexican sun and heat is the name of the game for being prepared for the waves of your life in Oaxaca.

What's In Your Bag?

The Portugal Board Bag

Pack these surf-essentials to score on your next surf trip to Portugal.

What's In Your Bag?

So Cal's Surf Essentials

Pack these surf-essentials on a certified So-Cal surf safari.

What's In Your Bag?

Pack Your Bags, These are the Bali Essentials

A must-read bible of do's and don'ts for your next Balinese surf trip. Only pack these surf-essentials… the rest you can just get there.

What's In Your Bag?
Surfers traveling with surfboards in board bags at the airport

Tips and Tricks for Traveling with Surfboards

A guide to keeping your precious cargo (i.e. surfboards) safe en route for surf

What's In Your Bag?

How to Pack for a Tropical Surf Getaway

A packing primer for anyone heading off on a warm-water surf trip.

What's In Your Bag?